Accelerate to discover

X-RAD 320 for irradiation therapy during quantifying study for in vivo collagen reorganization

Quantifying in vivo collagen reorganization during immunotherapy in murine melanoma with second harmonic generation imaging

Jun 5, 2024

Scientific paper

SteriRadHD—The Next Generation Cannabis Anti-Microbial Remediation System

Precision X-Ray, Inc. Unveils SteriRadHD—The Next Generation Cannabis Anti-Microbial Remediation System. SteriRadHD sets high standards in Health, Safety, and Profitability in the Growing Cannabis Market.

May 9, 2024

Product news

Accelerate your biomedical research

"We currently use the OptiMICE system at the SPF facility of the National Institute of Public Health in  Prague. MICE cages are designed for experimental animal breeding and research, especially infectious models, because it protects the mice among individual cages, and against environmental agents, as well as personnel from animal allergens."

M.D. Anna Fiserova

Czech Technical University in Prague, Kladno, Czech Republic

Webinar: Join us for an In-Depth Look at the Revolutionary Small Animal Radiotherapy System at STTARR

Register for an engaging webinar led by Naz Chaudary, Ph.D., and Research Technician, Alex Wang from the Spatio-Temporal Targeting and Amplification of Radiation Response Program (STTARR).tings.

Aug 17, 2023

Scientific paper

The chicken chorioallantoic membrane as a low-cost, high-throughput model for cancer imaging

Here, we assessed the chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) as an alternative to mice for preclinical cancer imaging studies. 

Apr 4, 2024

Scientific paper

Radiation planning for image guided preclinical radiotherapy

Doctoral Thesis, Stefan van Hoof, Maastricht University 2019

Jan 12, 2024

Scientific paper

Accelerate your biomedical research

  "OptiMice mouse towers are compact with no harmful noise and vibration exposure for mice. Towers are easy to handle, require almost no maintenance, easy to connect to additional towers and built-in ventilation system. It is primarily ideal for small and medium-sized mouse strains"

Dr. Gajdocsi Erzsébet

University of Pécs, Faculty of medicine, Immunology and Biotechnology Department

Application of focal X-ray irradiation in canaries

Effects of the depletion of neural progenitors by focal X-ray irradiation on song production and perception in canaries

Jan 15, 2024

Scientific paper

Validation of an orthotopic non-small cell lung cancer mouse model to use in radiotherapy studies

The use of pre-clinical orthotopic mouse models is essential for the development of novel therapies targeting solid tumors. Animals were followed-up by imaging every three and a half days, bi-weekly, using the same imaging procedure and parameters.

Oct 30, 2023

Scientific paper

Revolutionizing A 70-Year-Old Process to Effectively and Efficiently Control Vector-Borne

Madison, CT, USA June 22, 2023, Precision X-Ray, Inc. (“Precision”), a pioneer in cabinet X-ray irradiators, proudly announces the launch of our latest technology into Sterile Insect Technique (SIT). 

Jun 29, 2023

Technical breakthrough

We supply and support Life-Science Technologies in the territory of Central and Eastern Europe.

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