In vivo imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging
Miroslav Vecheta

Support specialist

Miroslav Vecheta

+420 210 323 421

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Magnetic resonance imaging

A paradigm shift in MR imaging

MRI is the leading modality pre-clinically and clinically for anatomical and morphological imaging, in addition to providing exquisite functional and molecular whole body imaging in 2D and 3D. While providing sophisticated insights, conventional pre-clinical MRI systems are costly and complex to purchase, install and maintain. They often require shielded rooms and dedicated facilities, and their operation relies on significant MR expertise.

Bruker’s ICON compact high-performance MRI system enables the scientist with no imaging expertise to access the power of MRI and quickly generate quantitative imaging results to answer their biological questions in vivo By combining the latest rf coil and CryoProbe technology with high field superconducting or permanent desktop magnets and unique software packages, systems deliver high spatial resolution imaging of living organisms. It enables you to come closer to the molecular and cellular level research you are aiming at.

Thanks to the innovative modular concept of the products, virtually any small animal MR imaging application in life science, biomedical, and preclinical research can be conducted.