
AccuWound 96 – Agilent technologies

Is your Wound Healing assay due for an upgrade?

Cell migration and invasion are critical to many biological fields. Scratch assay with AccuWound 96 brings high-throuput observation of healing, angiogenesis, embryonic development, and the intravasation and extravasation of cancer cells during metastasis.

It makes the repetitve and tedious set-up of these assay obsolete. Combining the xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis instruments with the new AccuWound 96 scratch tool overcomes these deficiencies and has completely revolutionized the wound healing assay.    

– 96 identical Scratch Wounds in seconds: With a simple turn of a knob, pins on the AccuWound 96 tool produce uniform scratch wounds in every well of a microtiter plate.

– Simple data acquisition and kinetic analysis 

– Read an entire 96-well plate in 15 seconds

– Run up to 6 plates simultaneously yet independently

– Track cell migration/wound healing continuously    

The precision of the AccuWound 96 scratching tool, combined with the objective and continuous monitoring of the xCELLigence instrument, yield data of unparalleled quality. 

More info at: https-www-aceabio-com-products-accuwound

Riccardo Pasculli

Head of application support

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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