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Webinar recording: Exploring Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation Under Physiological Shear Flow

Webinar recording: Exploring Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation Under Physiological Shear Flow

Abnormal platelet adhesion to the vessel wall can lead to thrombosis, resulting in pathological clot formation and contributing to conditions such as heart attack or stroke. In this webinar, Dr. Mohammad Ekhlak of Banaras Hindu University will share data and insights from the Center for Advanced Research on Platelet Signaling and Thrombosis Biology at the Institute of Medical Sciences on their high throughput evaluation of the effects of novel drugs on physiological thrombosis formation.

Dr. Ekhlak will share insights on:

  • In vitro modeling of physiological platelet plug formation
  • Antiplatelet/antithrombotic effects of novel pharmaceuticals
  • Signaling mechanisms of thrombosis

Presenters: Mohammad Ekhlak, Ph.D. – Banaras Hindu University & Stephanie Proaño, Ph.D. – Cell Microsystems
Date: Tuesday, August 20th, 2024, 15:00 CEST

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Related technologies: Cell interaction studies

Riccardo Pasculli

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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