Accelerate to discover

Webinar recording: Deep dive into Spatial Biology with MERSCOPE Ultra Platform

We invite you to learn more about MERSCOPE Ultra Platform. Join us for a webinar on Thursday, August 29th at 1:00 PM (ET) featuring Rob Mathis (Global Instrument Product Manager) & Manisha Ray, Ph.D. (Director of Applications Development)



Webinar recording: Exploring Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation Under Physiological Shear Flow

In this webinar, Dr. Mohammad Ekhlak of Banaras Hindu University will share data and insights from the Center for Advanced Research on Platelet Signaling and Thrombosis Biology at the Institute of Medical Sciences on their high throughput evaluation.



Webinar recording : BioFlux, the gold standard for Platelet Biology and Thrombosis research

Thrombosis, the underlying cause of major fatal conditions like ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction, poses a challenge for treatment. BioFlux system give you the ability to introduce physiological shear flow to your research and drug discovery.



Automatic, Real Time Acquisition of Bioluminescent Kinetic Curves

Watch this pre-recorded webinar with Dr. Andrew Van Praagh to learn how our new Aura software feature —Kinetics— enables users to automatically acquire bioluminescent kinetic curve data in real time


Product news

Discover the Celloger live-cell analyzers : miniaturized and powerful tools for every Biologist

Celloger live-cell analyzers, image and analyze your cells in real-time, inside your incubator. With its exceptional image quality and unmatched convenience, Celloger products empowers and simplify any live-cell assay.


Scientific paper

Hypoxia in the Tumor Immune Microenvironment (TIME)

Thursday, 11 July 2024, 16:00 CET | 10:00 EST Zaver M. Bhujwalla, PhD Professor, Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine



Single-Cell Genomics applications ? Ideal work for the WOLF gentle cell sorter

The field of genomics and computational biology has progressed immensely over the last decade and new single-cell genomics approaches and techniques are advancing our understanding of human disease and many other biological problems


Technical breakthrough

EV’s and Nanoparticles in “Full Spectrum View” with the new Cytek ESP module

Cytek’s Enhanced Small Particle (ESP) Detection Option expands the capability of your Cytek Aurora or Cytek Northern Lights system to resolve and identify extracellular vesicles (EVs) and small particles.


Product news
Technical breakthrough

Theranostics: From Mice to Men and Back

Recorded webinar Presenters: Prof. Dr. Ken Herrmann and Prof. Dr. Katharina Lückerath – Moderator: Hannah Notebaert


Scientific paper

New release now available: Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 Software

The new Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 image analysis software features an integrated transfer learning algorithm, an option to add external models, and new image gallery display tools.


Product news
Technical breakthrough

X-RAD 320 for irradiation therapy during quantifying study for in vivo collagen reorganization

Quantifying in vivo collagen reorganization during immunotherapy in murine melanoma with second harmonic generation imaging


Scientific paper

Celloger Pro live-cell analyzer: miniaturized and powerful tool for Spheroids and Organoids research

Celloger live-cell analyzers, image and analyze your cells in real-time, inside your incubator. With its exceptional image quality and unmatched convenience, Celloger products empowers and simplify any live-cell assay.


Product news

Scaling Whole-Genome Sequencing to >50,000 single cells using cellenONE

cellenONE technology enabled the creation of tens of thousands of high-quality single-cell genomes, paving the way for widespread adoption in research and clinical settings


Scientific paper
Technical breakthrough

Orion 2024 AACR poster: 17-plex single-step stain and imaging of cell Lung Carcinoma

RareCyte Orion is a benchtop, high resolution, whole slide multimodal imaging instrument. A combination of quantitative immunofluorescence and bright field imaging enables robust spatial biology studies and biomarker quantitation.


Product news
Technical breakthrough

Cytek webinar: Imaging Flow Cytometry for Chromosomal Assessment in Hematological Malignancies

In this webinar, we will describe a new innovative approach we developed that resolves these limitations. The method called “Immuno-flowFISH”: immunophenotyping, flow cytometry, and FISH uses the Cytek Amnis ImageStreamX Mk II imaging flow cytometer


Product news
Technical breakthrough