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Orion 2024 AACR poster: 17-plex single-step stain and imaging of cell Lung Carcinoma

Orion 2024 AACR poster: 17-plex single-step stain and imaging of cell Lung Carcinoma

This is a 17-marker whole slide scan of a single section of lung from a region adjacent to a non-small cell lung carcinoma. It has intact normal lung alveolar architecture, with scattered immune cell infiltrates. The slide was stained with Orion Reagents and imaged using the Orion instrument. All markers were stained in a single staining procedure and imaged in a single scan.

Dagmar Brechlerová

Dagmar Brechlerová

+420 731 401 590

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The whole-slide, highly multiplexed biomarker imaging platform - depth and flexibility with the convenience of a comprehensive, rapid, single cycle process.

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The benchtop, high resolution whole-slide fluorescence imaging system that enables rapid spatial insights

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