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Scaling Whole-Genome Sequencing to >50,000 single cells using cellenONE

Scaling Whole-Genome Sequencing to >50,000 single cells using cellenONE

A recent study published by a Canadian research consortium used cellenONE technology to analyze 50,000 single-cell genomes. The breakthrough study, which combined high-resolution imaging, single-cell isolation, and whole-genome sequencing, revealed new insights into genome heterogeneity and clonal evolution in mammalian tissues. The success of this study has led to the implementation of DLP+ at the BC Cancer Research Centre for sequencing over 400,000 patient single-cell genomes.

Related technologies: Cell Sorting

Igor Valerián

Igor Valerián

+420 603 223 602

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High precision non-contact dispensing technologies and provides solutions for single cell analysis and cloning.

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