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Discover the Celloger live-cell analyzers : miniaturized and powerful tools for every Biologist

Discover the Celloger live-cell analyzers : miniaturized and powerful tools for every Biologist

Curiosis’s expert team of scientists and engineers are dedicated to develop compact and cutting edge platform for live-cell imaging, allowing the researchers to challenge their progress improvement at reasonable cost. Curiosis’s Celloger is an automatic live cell Imaging system. Special treatment applied to the surface of Celloger to withstand the temperature and humidity, so it is compatible with CO2 incubators, allowing you to monitor and analyze cellular events in real-time.


Related technologies: Live cell imagingCellular analysis

Riccardo Pasculli

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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An innovative biotech company to provide integrated solutions in the field of Life science, especially in live cell Imaging and cell-based applications.

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