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Emulate in vivo conditions – introduce shear flow to your experiments with BioFlux system

Emulate in vivo conditions – introduce shear flow to your experiments with BioFlux system

Many physiological processes take place under flow conditions: blood flowing through the vasculature; cancer cells circulating throughout the body; CAR-T cells migrating through the endothelium; biofilms forming in lung infections. Despite this, most research is still conducted in vitro without the presence of flow. We use the BioFlux System to give you the ability to introduce physiological shear flow to your research and drug discovery experiments, effectively emulating in vivo conditions and revealing the true biology.

Examples of recent projects completed for customers:

• Drug modulation of leukocyte adhesion and transmigration
• Engineered T cell (CAR-T) adhesion and transmigration
• Clot formation and anticoagulant screening using whole blood
• Tumor cell binding on cell monolayers

Learn more about BioFux

Related technologies: Cell interaction studies

Riccardo Pasculli

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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Cell Microsystems

With BioFlux System for live cell analysis under shear flow and IsoFlux System for circulating tumor cell analysis, Cell Microsystems turn power of benchtop cellular analysis with advanced tools to automate complex assays.

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