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Isolating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using the WOLF G2 gentle Sorter

Isolating Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells using the WOLF G2 gentle Sorter

The WOLF G2 accurately identifi ed and enriched hiPSCs that were labeled with two surface markers, SSEA-4 and TRA1-60-R, widely used to label undifferentiated stem cells. The WOLF G2’s ability to identify and sort these cells is imperative for research and development when naïve stem cell populations are needed. Considering that this panel contained fl uorophores that lye in the excitation range of the 488 nm and 637 nm lasers, a two-laser system such as the WOLF G2 (488, 637)
was therefore vital to successfully performing this experiment. Using these surface markers proved successful by starting with a 69.6% double-positive sample and purifying to 92.8%. The indicated demonstrates that this microfl uidic cell sorter was able to purify the initial sample by successfully detecting cells that were actively expressing both surface markers. This level of purifi cation and > 99% viability demonstrates that the WOLF G2 is helpful in stem cell applications, such as neuroscience
and disease modeling. Overall, the gentle sorting and positive identifi cation of such a demanding and delicate cell type has demonstrated the high utility of the WOLF G2.

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Related technologies: Cell Sorting

Riccardo Pasculli

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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With Benchtop Microfluidic Cell Sorting, NanoCellect is committed to empowering every scientist to make discoveries one cell at a time.

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With two lasers and up to nine colors, WOLF G2 provides a gentle benchtop microfluidic cell sorting

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