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New release now available: Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 Software

New release now available: Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 Software

The new Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 image analysis software features an integrated transfer learning algorithm, an option to add external models, and new image gallery display tools. When combined with the rapid image collection of the Cytek Amnis ImageStreamX imaging flow cytometer these advanced AI-enabled tools can help streamline complex cellular analysis and enable new and innovative experiments. This powerful combination allows researchers to envision a new standard in scientific discovery powered by AI.

• New transfer learning algorithm adapts the current model to new cell types
• Deep learning with convolutional neural networks (CNN) accurately classifies cell populations using a CNN model
• Random Forest algorithm enables feature-based learning in the classifier
• Amnis AI combines the most advanced image analysis tools with the high throughput imaging of the Cytek Amnis ImageStream imaging flow cytometer

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Related technologies: Imaging flow cytometry

Riccardo Pasculli

Riccardo Pasculli

+420 731 127 717

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Cytek Biosciences

Cytek provides compact and affordable flow cytometry instruments with multiplexing capability that streamlines workflows and delivers a high level of biological clarity for a majority of applications.

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The new Cytek Amnis AI v3.0 image analysis software features an integrated transfer learning algorithm, an option to add external models, and new image gallery display tools.

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