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April 2024 publication revealing benefits of using intravital microscopy in trascriptomics studies

April 2024 publication revealing benefits of using intravital microscopy in trascriptomics studies

To observe the migration and infiltration of inflammatory cells into vasculature during hypobaric hypoxic stress, in vivo imaging of mice pulmonary vasculature combined with inflammatory cells (labeled by Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse CD11b antibody) was obtained through using the integrated imaging platform of MFIM (IVIMMS model, IVIM Technology). WT and M-BKO mice were subjected to simulated high altitude of 5500m for 3 days by hypobaric chamber, and subsequently were injected with Evans Blue angiography agent and Alexa Fluor 488 anti-mouse CD11b antibody through the tail vein. After the angiography agent and antibody were diffused fully into the blood, the mice were anesthetized respectively, and the in vivo imaging was performed. During the imaging, 3 to 4 mice were used in each group, and the pulmonary vasculature of each mouse was observed at multiple time points, with representative images and videos being taken.

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Related technologies: IntraVital Microscopy

Igor Valerián

Igor Valerián

+420 603 223 602

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IVIM Technology

IntraVital Microscopy is a technique that enables you to directly observe the movement of live cells that make up living tissue in vivo.

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IntraVital Microscopy is a technique that enables you to directly observe the movement of live cells that make up living tissue in vivo

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