Accelerate to discover

Webinar recording: Exploring Platelet Adhesion and Aggregation Under Physiological Shear Flow

In this webinar, Dr. Mohammad Ekhlak of Banaras Hindu University will share data and insights from the Center for Advanced Research on Platelet Signaling and Thrombosis Biology at the Institute of Medical Sciences on their high throughput evaluation.



Celloger Pro live-cell analyzer: miniaturized and powerful tool for Spheroids and Organoids research

Celloger live-cell analyzers, image and analyze your cells in real-time, inside your incubator. With its exceptional image quality and unmatched convenience, Celloger products empowers and simplify any live-cell assay.


Product news

Emulate in vivo conditions – introduce shear flow to your experiments with BioFlux system

Most research is still conducted in vitro without the presence of flow. We use the BioFlux System to give you the ability to introduce physiological shear flow to your research and drug discovery experiments, effectively emulating in vivo conditions.


Technical breakthrough

Webinar recording : BioFlux, the gold standard for Platelet Biology and Thrombosis research

Thrombosis, the underlying cause of major fatal conditions like ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction, poses a challenge for treatment. BioFlux system give you the ability to introduce physiological shear flow to your research and drug discovery.



Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023)

MISEV2023 is intended to aid any and all EV researchers: from those just starting their EV journey to more established investigators who wish to understand the current state of the art and/or cutting-edge problems faced by the EV community.


Scientific paper

Discover the Celloger live-cell analyzers : miniaturized and powerful tools for every Biologist

Celloger live-cell analyzers, image and analyze your cells in real-time, inside your incubator. With its exceptional image quality and unmatched convenience, Celloger products empowers and simplify any live-cell assay.


Scientific paper